Sunday 8 June 2008

Finn�s Girl

Finn�s Girl
Stars: Brooke Johnson, Maya Ritter
Directors: Dominique Cardona, Laurie Colbert
* 1/2 (out of five)

There's really no subtle way to cinematically address the issue of abortion. In the case of Finn�s Girl however, the provocative subject particularly sits like a pothole in the middle of Daytona Speedway.

Not that Finn�s is a pro-life film, mind you. 

There�s surely no mistaking its point of view; a pair of hysterically-portrayed pro-life protesters make sure of that.

Hell, this melodrama even gives more credibility to a trio of pot-smoking prepubescent brats who spend their free time stealing skin mags from the local bookstore than it does the pro-lifers. 

But maybe that�s the point.

One of those brats happens to be Zelly (Maya Ritter).  Coping with her lesbian mom�s recent passing, she�s now cared for by mom�s widow Finn (Brooke Johnson) who proves a suitable replacement � when she�s not shacking up with her abortion-clinic assistant or dodging gunshots by those pro-life zealots.

Obviously, this film aims to shed light on many heavy issues � abortion, parthenogenesis; even ecological concerns find a way into this movie. 

But as much as Finn�s Girl wants to sink its teeth into these hot topics, a heavy-handed script and clunky performances leave it about as affecting as an after-school special.

See Also