Tuesday 24 June 2008

Ojos De Brujo

Ojos De Brujo   
Artist: Ojos De Brujo




   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 15


   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 7


   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 10

Rumba Dub Style   
 Rumba Dub Style

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 6

Originally more than of a collective than a band, the Barcelona-based flamenco fusion radical Ojos de Brujo, which translates to Eyes of the Wizard, came unitedly in the mid-'90s when guitarist Ramon Giménez began playing with likeminded experimental musicians like isaac Bashevis Singer Marina "La Canillas" Abad and percussionist Xavi Turull, trying to find out what tolerant of level-headed they could create. In 1999, as an official group, Ojos de Brujo issued their first-class honours degree album, a altogether self-produced and self-recorded release, Vengue. With a lineup that consisted of Giménez; Abad; turntablist DJ Panko; percussionists Sergio Ramos, Turull, and Maxwell Wright; and guitarist Paco Lomeña, Ojos de Brujo went on to phonograph record (again, all aspects of the serve were done by the band) 2002's Barí, which was followed by an panoptic world term of enlistment. Besides increasing their winnow base, the enlistment besides introduced them to other musicians from roughly the world. These meetings divine the bandmembers to continue development their sound, and their next album, 2006's Techarí, saw the inclusion of Cuban trumpet musician Carlos Sarduy.

Sunday 8 June 2008

Pete Doherty misses Paris concert due to Eurostar train delay

PARIS - Pete Doherty missed his Paris concert, and a Eurostar train was to blame.

The high-speed train that connects London and Paris made the journey in some five hours Thursday night. The trip usually takes just over two hours. That left fans of the Babyshambles singer waiting at the Grand Rex theatre until the "we're sorry, the concert is cancelled" announcement.

Eurostar officials said Doherty's train was due in Paris at 9:20 p.m. but arrived at 2:13 a.m. Friday due to a technical problem. That was too late for Doherty to make the show.

The delay may have disappointed Doherty fans but it also embarrassed Eurostar after delays in May. Train chief Guillaume Pepy has ordered Eurostar to do everything to be on time.


On the Net: http://www.babyshambles.net/

See Also

Finn�s Girl

Finn�s Girl
Stars: Brooke Johnson, Maya Ritter
Directors: Dominique Cardona, Laurie Colbert
* 1/2 (out of five)

There's really no subtle way to cinematically address the issue of abortion. In the case of Finn�s Girl however, the provocative subject particularly sits like a pothole in the middle of Daytona Speedway.

Not that Finn�s is a pro-life film, mind you. 

There�s surely no mistaking its point of view; a pair of hysterically-portrayed pro-life protesters make sure of that.

Hell, this melodrama even gives more credibility to a trio of pot-smoking prepubescent brats who spend their free time stealing skin mags from the local bookstore than it does the pro-lifers. 

But maybe that�s the point.

One of those brats happens to be Zelly (Maya Ritter).  Coping with her lesbian mom�s recent passing, she�s now cared for by mom�s widow Finn (Brooke Johnson) who proves a suitable replacement � when she�s not shacking up with her abortion-clinic assistant or dodging gunshots by those pro-life zealots.

Obviously, this film aims to shed light on many heavy issues � abortion, parthenogenesis; even ecological concerns find a way into this movie. 

But as much as Finn�s Girl wants to sink its teeth into these hot topics, a heavy-handed script and clunky performances leave it about as affecting as an after-school special.

See Also